Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Week 97 - The Miracle of Success

Dearest friends and family,
Miracle #7: Feeling like I’ve served a successful mission.
What is success? Who achieves it? How can we know if we’ve been successful? One of the things I’ve realized here in the mission is that success is not general. There is no one single, universal “great job, you did it” that covers every aspect of life or that can be applied to everyone. There are many pathways to success and each is individual.
In the mission, some missionaries teach and baptize lots of people to find success. Others have to be the most obedient to the rules of the mission to have success. Some feel success learning the scriptures and studying. In the same way Albert Einstein, or Michelle Kwan, or the first surfer, or the band Nirvana were successful, so many, much smaller people too are successful in their own way, following their own path. There are infinite ways one can serve a successful mission and there are infinite ways one can lead a successful life.
The Path: Refiner’s Fire
Each missionary follows a different, refining path that gives us the opportunity to be successful. But success is not guaranteed. Maybe the baptizing missionary is assigned to areas where more humble and open-minded people live, giving him a greater chance to reach his success. Maybe the obedient missionary will be paired with a not-so-obedient companion that needs his example. Einstein’s theories were developed and formed one day to the next over many years and decades. Michelle Kwan fell hundreds of times to master the ice. If success is individual, the path and trials to be overcome must also be individual. I’ve walked my own refining path here in Northern Ecuador. I’ve had my difficulties. And they have given me the perfect opportunity to find my own success here in the mission.
The Success: Light and Truth
Success, to me, is discovering truth and mastering it in our lives. In this way, success has less to do with what we do and more to do with what we become while we’re doing it. I have followed my personal refining path and have worked to achieve what I needed to here. This is what I have done. But, more importantly, during the process of doing, I have become kinder, more loving, and more understanding. I have learned diligence, patience and perseverance. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel excitement and joy in my soul. Working hard and fighting for success here has changed me. I feel tremendous freedom, personal satisfaction and enlightenment. I imagine Einstein appreciated worldly praise and accolades but I imagine he enjoyed even more the feelings of personal fulfillment, discovery and development even more. Recognition is fleeting. Development is eternal. If we focus on our personal development, we all, each and every one, can reach success. Seek truth. Find it. Apply it. The path is there.
We existed before we arrived here on earth and we will continue to exist after we leave here, too. This process of success, enlightenment and change was planned and apportioned to us way before we can remember. Life is a university here on the campus of Earth. We arrive innocent and ignorant. As we grow, we start down our refining path. It can be messy, we make mistakes. Some fight incredible odds, persevere, and achieve. Some choose easier paths, perhaps ones that seem more attractive at the time, and risk missing their potential. Continue giving your best efforts and you will achieve and do many things. And more importantly, become who you are supposed to become. Pure, loving, filled with kindness and understanding. And that is what really counts – that is our purpose in preparing for what is to come. We chose to come here. We did so because we knew it was the only way to be change and become who we are supposed to be. Take consolation in that in your trials. And know that good and bad do exist...universal laws that govern and protect everyone’s right to walk their own refining path.
Bring this back to the start, I am at peace about my mission. I am full of joy and fulfilled. I am confident that every sector, every companion, every member, every trial, every drop of sweat and every drop of rain, every convert, each moving experience, plate of food, email received (and those unreceived), and every rejection and invitation accepted has contributed to and formed the perfect refining path for me. And I have loved it all. I can’t wait to see you in 35 days.
With affection, EE

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