Saturday, January 27, 2018

Week 75 - Adios January

Well, I’m pretty sunbaked right now. We didn’t do much this p-day because we have a baptism at 5pm (a.k.a. we’re running out the door of the cyber right now to get there). We went early in the morning to play soccer with the office elders from the other (Quito South) mission. We won without a doubt. It was impressive J
The person is named Esperanza who will be baptized. What can I tell you about her? She has pinkish hair and before she was sort of evangelical. She is from Colombia – my favorite people. She prays very sincerely. She said that she prayed and knew the Church was true from the very first lesson we taught her. Ever since it’s been a race to finish all the lessons and plan her baptism. I love miracle investigators like that. I have baptized in every sector with every one of my companions and need to keep that up. 
I have really started to like my new area, La Luz. I feel like there are a lot of people to talk to here and we are never bored. I am also really happy to be with Elder Aquino! He is a great match for my humor and work ethic. We support each other through all of the weird things that can happen in the mission. There is this one dude in our ward who has this odd ire for the missionaries…for some reason he seems to think were all are vagos (lazy bums). Who knows, but Elder Aquino and I aren’t letting it get us down in the least.
I uploaded some photos today that represent well La Luz here in Quito. In other fun news (don’t freak out his mom), some street kid spray painted "Elder George" on a wall in front of a high school this week. I honestly think its so cool, haha, I want my name in spray paint.
Hello to my dad's seminary class. I'm happy that you’re able to hear a little about my mission and see some of my photos each week. If I could make a special comment to you, it would be that most people in the US are extremely, grossly unaware of how much sad things like child abuse, neglect, lack of respect for life, and poverty exist out here and how wonderful any life in the states is by comparison. Here the poor kids are thrown out into the streets to work as vendedores (sellers). The saddest part is they come up to you, really dirty, and beg that you buy whatever they have and you can’t possibly buy from everyone. And, even more sad, buying from them doesn't solve the problem, in fact it possibly hurts them more because their parents see the profit and make them work the streets even more. It kills me. Be happy. And thank your parents every day because, believe it or not, your lives are amazing. I’m always happy to receive emails if you have questions.
Happy Birthday, mom! I love you so much. You are perfect and all I have needed in my life and still very much so to this day. Know that I have nothing but the upmost respect and appreciation for you and for every Christ-like act of service you perform for all of the people around you every day. Every week, I see a little more of the millions of blessings and reasons to be happy that I have in my life. I love the mission. I love Ecuador. I love the people here. I love God. I love Jesus Christ. I love you family. Have an excellent week!
- Elder Ericksen

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