Monday, January 1, 2018

Week 71 - Middle of the World

Dear family and friends,
I would attempt to begin this letter with a joke or some inspirational thought but that would be a pitiful attempt to cover up the fact that I haven’t been giving my weekly letters the attention they deserve for some time now. So let me instead begin by saying that I love the mission. It is such a miracle how God can mold a half-toughened, half-listening, and half-homesick heart into a marvelous tool of confidence, service, and humility through what I considered to be “daunting difficulties” like many of the things I’ve been able to conquer here in Ecuador.
One of the biggest changes that has taken place inside of me is that I now live and feel every moment here instead of just passing through them like before. There are so many things worth paying attention to, so many deserving of our interest in our immediate surroundings. Often, with my responsibilities, it is necessary to go to the bank, which is a 10-minute, swiftly-paced walk through some heavily trafficked, downtown Quito streets. In such an atmosphere, swifter is better for many. But I find that so wasteful! Today I turned toward Elder Castagno and said “wow, this is incredible,” referring to the light, drizzle descending from the dark, invading clouds to capture the delicious, warm aroma of Chilean empanadas coming from the Alameda bakery as we passed. Just outside were the most Ecuadorian of older gentlemen, sitting to drink coffee and discussing whatever was important to them for that moment. I wanted to be with them but it wasn’t appropriate at that time. I had my own set of priorities in that moment. But that’s the whole idea: to be extremely present, to notice, to feel, to live. Maybe this is why Buddhists meditate. Maybe this is why prayer is so peaceful. Maybe this is why power naps are so attractive. It all has to do with increasing mental focus and attaining a “reset” to draw us closer to the moment.
I had an emotional moment this week when I received a photo from the baptism of a special family we found and taught in Cayambe. Undoubtedly, it was a happy emotional, moment but at the same time I had such an impulse to go. I wanted to be with them. I wanted to be engulfed in a moment with those beautiful people. I wanted to share and delight in everything that is important for them and equally important for me.
I said in my last letter that I might talk a little about New Year’s goals and I guess that’s what I’m trying do right now. I’ve become a much happier person when I commit to living fully in the moment. So that’s one of my goals: I want to be someone that can live completely in the moment. I’ll be looking to have lots of adventures and learn new things with anyone and everyone that wants to come along.
With all my love,
Elder Ericksen
Other tidbit:
  • Hey great news... I’m an egg master! I stood the egg up on the nail at the Middle of the World monument. It was so awesome there, wow, I can’t even begin to describe. You’ll just have to look at the photos. Notice too the awesome cocoa exhibit and all the awesome culture things. FYI for when we are back here as a family, we can easily spend a half day at the monument because there is so much to see and do.
  • In other news, happy new years!!!!! We have to be in the house at 3PM tomorrow and Elder Castagno and I are going to cook some hummus and hang out. Mom could you send a hummus recipe?

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