Saturday, January 20, 2018

Week 74 - Herping in Mindo

Dearest friends and family,

I am writing this afternoon from a super cool little pueblo called Mindo! Our bus leaves at 2 to take us home to Quito, so we are writing now while we wait. What could I even say about Mindo? It is amazing. Google it. It is a little city on the way to Esmeraldas, about 2 hours from Quito. It is built in the jungle. What was that game called we used to play, Temple Run? Where the little guy runs through the jungle and grabs coins? Well it feels like I am living inside that game.
And we aren’t able to experience but 10% of its beauty. When I return with all interested in coming, we will have so much to do…tubing in the river and a zipline route that keeps you in the air for an hour, basically its a tour of the entire jungle for only 20 dollars! I hope the pictures do it justice. Seriously, Mindo. Google it. Super, super cool.
So this was a great week. Last night, we went by the house of our investigator who will be baptized next week. She is doing well and we are so happy about it! Her husband was in a car accident a while back and suffered a stroke which has left some of his functioning a little slower, but it is always interesting. Last night he got up during our lesson and left the room to "make us a dinner". He came back a little while later to share what he had cooked, and it was just noodles. Like noodles straight up boiled and nothing else. I don’t recommend eating noodles without any kind of flavor, but that is what we did. I was really flattered by his generosity. His name is Julio and he keeps it interesting – I’m never sure if he’s happy or angry with us. Like when he gave us the noodles he was frowning and just said "here – food so you can eat." He seemed so angry and yet was so nice at the same time.
I also got to explore Quito a little more throughout the week. I saw some of the more humble parts of the city, when Elder Aquino and I went on an adventure to recover a package from the DHL warehouse in a place called Comite Del Pueblo. I do love exploring. I’ve been going on lots of little runs like that with Elder Aquino to send packages and take care of the housing secretary’s business. All fun.

I love you family. Let’s all have an amazing week! And don’t worry, mom, I’ll write the essays!
- Elder Ericksen
  • The wikipedia page for Mindo describes it as an ideal location for herping. When I saw Adam's photos this afternoon, it seemed to fit. #newword #consideryourselfeducated.

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