Saturday, December 2, 2017

Week 67 - The Value of Good Influences

Great news! Elder Castagno (pictured right of Adam above) is my new companion!!!!!! It has been amazing, like living with my best friend. We have a big Christmas planned out and are trying to buy a Christmas tree. We have been eating the Christmas cookies and loving life. I’ll send photos next week.

This past week was crazy week a.k.a. transfers week. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t get way stressed out, because I did for a little bit. We went to the airport like 3 times dropping people off and getting everything all situated and sleep hasn’t been a thing this week. People were in our house all week, which was fun! I had to ship off a really good friend, Elder Vela, and that was super sad, but I know he’s doing well and is happy to be continuing his life back in Texas. 

Its Quitofestival right now and its been crazy in the streets. Not normal crazy, Latin America crazy. People ride around on these big open bus rigs and sing, dance and drink. It’s really lively. Today we saw a little parade. It’s also mango season. I promise there is nothing like the flavor of a ripe’s indescribable. We can get 4 for $1 US dollar haha.

This week I just want to share that I love the gospel. One reason Elder Castagno is such a good friend is because he’s such a good influence on me. Every day has been a lesson about how we always need to do the right thing, and that it needs to come from within us to mean something. It so remarkable how our natures can change, I see myself wanting to do good and wanting to be better everyday about things that really didn’t call my attention in the past. I feel so happy about that.

We are doing lots of stuff with the light the world campaign and it feels so good! There is a woman who always sits outside the office, working for a parking company and she always looks so sad. Yesterday I went up to her and said "I always pass by you and we’ve never met...what is your name?" We talked for a moment and gave her a pass along card and I said that I hoped she had a good day. It was so genuine, I don’t know, I just felt so happy and good afterward. Christ lives and he fills us with light as we try to be disciples of Him.

I love you and hope you have an excellent week. Merry Christmas. Let’s all love Christ and His church.

- EE

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