Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 66 - Ecuadorian Thanksgiving!

Well I started a letter but wasn’t able to finish. We’ve had lots of elders in our house this week for some meetings and we have been super busy getting things ready for transfers next week (a.k.a. crazy week). Oh and we’ve also been super busy preparing for Thanksgiving!
So happy thanksgiving everyone! We are just finishing our lunch and let me just say it was amazing. I hope you can tell from the photos…lots of food and lots of fun with the best of friends. Today we woke up at 6 am to go play our Turkey Bowl at this park called Parque Bicentenario. Look it up, it used to be the old Quito airport but now they’ve converted it into a big park with lots of bike riding space. Super epic.
After the park we came back and started cooking. I was in charge of the cheese potatoes and I made a banana cream pie. I succeeded wildy haha. It was perfect. We bought all the stuff last week and it just all came together amazingly. It’s been a great p-day!
Other big highlights...the ward talent show last night. Oh goodness how can I even describe. We put on three acts as the missionaries, including the singing of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” with modified mission lyrics. LEGENDARY.
I am really happy. I feel great all around. Elder Moon is leaving so I’ll have a new companion starting Monday. It will be great whoever it is.
So how are all you guys? How was thanksgiving? The food looked great!
I love you all, have an amazing week.

- Elder Ericksen

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