Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 63 - Well Don't Get Excited...

This has been the busiest week of the mission and I didn't get a chance to write. Here's a quick summary for my favorite people:

We had a visiting Area Authority 70, Elder Falabella, come to the mission and I was responsible for arranging so many things - mainly meals and catering and, wow, so much stuff. Our preparations paid off  and I was glad when it was over. His wife also accompanied him and it was all so awesome.

Today was P-day but it was consumed by our monthly leadership council meeting with the leaders of the mission. We secretaries and assistants went to the mission home early and prepared a big pancake breakfast for everyone before joining the meeting. It was a fun event. We finished around 2 and spent the remainder of our p-day bowling (in our suits) at the Quicentro. It was a BLAST. I will never stop repeating how much I love being with the best mission friends here in Quito.

In other news, I'm 20 now. I'll capture some of my thoughts on my birthday in my letter next week...just know that it was an awesome day! Hermana Murphy made it so special -- she baked me a cake!!!  I was so, so surprised and super happy when I saw it! She really is the best. In our council meeting today, a sister missionary who is going home next change expressed her appreciation for the love of Sister Murphy. I feel the exact same...she loves us all so much and its so apparent in all that she does for us.

So I need to go buy some groceries. I love and miss you all so much!!! Have a great week!

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