Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 69 - A Week to Christmas

Hello family and friends. It’s great to be writing you now, after a good day. Things have been crazy busy at the office. We are doing lots of reports and budget analysis for year end.
Our tree is up. Elder Castagno and I have been sitting around it and chatting about life and it’s been extra fun. I feel the Christmas spirit a lot this year, and I am really thankful for everything and very happy to just help others. Last year I definitely felt the spirit but it was a little more humbling and solemn.

Our Christmas plans are not yet solidified but we are working on them. We will have p-day on Christmas day Monday next week. I’m pretty happy about that because we will get to be with more missionaries and hopefully do something really fun! I’ve realized that back home I had such awesome friends…like beyond normal quality, I think. We were all so loyal to each other and we all had one anothers’ backs. Here sometimes, for whatever reason, there are flaky moments and lots of changing plans which I don’t like. I miss guys like Mitch, Hussein and Kanoa. There are many others but they’re top of my mind. A solid plan that we do have down in the agenda is that we are invited to lunch with our Chilean neighbors that cook excellent food and I’m so happy about that. We will be going over there on Sunday the 24th after Church.

I’m looking forward to the skype call home next week. Think of some good questions to ask me. As much as I love telling stories about what I am learning and experiencing, I’d love to hear from you. 

I love you all so much!

Elder Ericksen

PS – How was Star Wars?

1 comment:

  1. Love your Christmas tree Adam! It has more decorations on it than ours does. You will have to ask Mikayla about that. LOL Merry Christmas and please know that we think of you so often! Love, Nicole DeVries
