Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Week 1 - In the Books

August 31, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

It is finally my first P-Day here at the MTC and I am so happy and relieved to be writing all of you! This week has had me in every sector of the emotion scale as I have grown, learned, laughed, struggled, endured, enjoyed, triumphed, and celebrated numerous experiences in the MTC. In the moment of things, the days have been the longest I have ever lived, but looking back on the week it seems to have flown by.

 I arrived in Mexico City at about 4pm on Tuesday August 23rd. and I was quickly greeted by a plethora of LDS Church representatives all with signs that read "nueva misioneros" I flew and traveled alone except for a brief moment in LAX when I overheard this guy on the tram ask for the same terminal that I was looking for. I struck up a conversation with him and we shared in a starbucks bacon gouda sandwich for lunch. It was really nice to talk to someone and was calming before I took off again for Mexico City. It is all extremely organized for those of you wondering about logistics. There was about 10-15 Chuch people there that quickly swept us up outside of security and hauled away our bags as we loaded onto busses. 

After a 30 minute drive through bustling Mexico City I finally arrived to the 15 foot tall gate into the MTC. The city itself has a vibe that is different than any other place I have ever been. It has so many people and so many cars and is filled with a very infectious exploration-type kind of character.

When I was hopping down out of the bus, a drizzle had started to come down and that has been one factor that has remained constant throughout the week - the rain. It has rained every day here except for one. Its a different kind of rain, it is HARD and comes in waves that sweep across the terrain in blankets. Since Ive been here, Ive been in lots of spanish classes and my abilities in the language have grown immensely. The food is great and Im so thankful for that. We have enchiladas, tacos, differnet flavors of chicken and rice, delicious authentic desserts and many other tastes that I havent had anywhere else.

My district - the ten guys and two girls that I do just about everything with are all amazing. We share lots of laughs and have a good time learning about Christ and the gospel. You know those water dispensers that they have in offices sometimes? The ones that have a big jug on top and two little nobs one red and one blue? Well there are few things more funny and more bonding than an experience with eight 18 year old guys trying to switch out one of those jugs without spilling any water on the electrical socket or all over the ground hahaha. 

My companion is super nice and a really genuine guy. He is from Utah and has a different outlook on the world that I can learn a lot from. His name is Elder Gehring and Im so thankful for him and the friendship he offers me because I really miss my friends back home. When my family back home got our bunny (Quito) the vet told us that if we were to ever get a second bunny, the ideal way to introduce them would be to sit them in a box on top of the washing machine. In my observation, this is exactly how friendships are made in the Mexico City MTC. Change and trauma really brings people together fast. But Im not trying to suggest it has been traumatizing being here. I really have nothing to complain about and I am having a great time.

Im so happy to have the opportunity to be here and to be able to grow in my faith and in myself as a person. I hope you all have had an amazing week and have been enjoying life. Much more to come next week! I will try to answer as many of the emails you all have sent me but I only get one hour of computer time! A reply will come eventually I promise. Also Im trying to get some pictures attached but its being difficult! Wish me luck with that!

Much Affection,
Elder Ericksen

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