Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 0 - Adam's First Note Home


I am safe in Mexico City and doing well! My p-day is going to be Wednesday but there are no Pdays for first week Missionaries :( That means the next time I get to talk to you will be in a full week. Mexico city is sketchy but I´m sort of fond of it. It has a lot of character and is extremely different. Im taking pictures and you can expect some next Wednesday. Everyone is very happy here. Please pass along the message that I won´t be able to read any emails or reply to anything for a whole week. I miss you all incredibly much and there is so much to say but I can only use ten minutes of computers right now.

Flying was an adventure and not a soul spoke English in Mexico customs. I survived and you would have been proud.

I´ve been told to copy paste this text and here it is:

[Your Missionary's mailing addres is:
Elder Ericksen
03-10-16 Branch 5 - District E
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal

The estimated departure date for your missionary is October 3, 2016. The use of the
above address on all correspondence will greatly faciliate delivery to your missionary
at the MTC. Please don't send packages.¨]   

I dont see quotes on this keyboard so Im just going to makeshift these brackets.

Pass along the message that all is well.

I love you guys. Have an amazing week!

Much Affection, 
Adam Ericksen

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