Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Week 0 - Until We Meet Again...

So I won't lie, yesterday was the longest Tuesday of my life. We awoke at 3:20am and loaded the car with Adam's bags while he dressed. One by one the kids came down and patiently waited on the stairs. Hugs were shared, tears were shed and prayers were offered. The kids returned to our bed while Lisa and I drove Adam to the airport. Few words were said, just a tender feeling of closeness and calm. The airport was quiet - not many people around at 4:15am. He checked in, took a long drink at the water fountain, and hugged his mother. And then, with a huge smile on his beaming face, and faith in his heart, my son confidently entered the mission field.

I love you, son. Take your time and enjoy every moment. I'll be counting EVERY day until I can hug you again. - Dad

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