Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 2 - The Water Incident

September 7, 2016

I am just sitting down at the computer after a very full day of travelling to the temple! The Mexico City temple was a really special experience that brought me much joy and peace. 

Im realizing that in life, many things are all about perspective - frames of mind in which we perceive the world around us. One great blessing of my mission is that I am constantly getting opportunities to reevaluate my perspective about my life and about the events taking place around me. In our comfort zones as humans, we tend to stay in pretty steady frames of mind and perspectives. However, being a missionary, being far away from home, learning a new language, and constantly being persuaded to the edge of critical thinking and comfort, gives me a million different opportunities of refreshment... every day, every hour, even every minute! This has been a huge blessing and I can feel myself growing as a person and stretching in my personality. I am realizing more and more that all I have to do is figure out a way to sift through all these different lenses of my world and just pick out the ones that are beneficial to me. 

 Some things that I have learned the positive perspective of at the CCM. 1. Elder Baumgarter drinking 4 full liters of orange juice and then washing it down with another full liter of water! We all thought he was going to explode, but he didnt! And when he pulled out of the sugar coma in a few hours he shot us all a smile and promised to do it again. 2. Waking up to broken pipes and no water coming into our dorm. This has happened 3 times since I have been here and the perspective it has taught me very fast is that it is a real reason of excitement and joy when warm water comes out of my shower head when I want it to. 3. Learning a new language. Sure it can be difficult when someone asks me a complex question in Spanish. However, it is a true blessing when I can communicate the simple and necessary things to the Spanish speakers around me. 4. When the Mexican people shoot off fireworks all day and all night long. This has been a real treat for me because it has gotten me really excited for the Mexican Independence day that is coming in a week or so! It also has led me to really appreciate when I sleep all the way through the night, and that is happening more and more. 5. Spending some time in the enfermedad with my companion. The perspective this has taught me is that I am very thankful that I take care of my feet and dont have massive, ripped-open, 3 inch tall blisters in my soles like he does. It also is a good reminder that the missionaries get good medical care in the CCM and we all are blessed for that.

In all seriousness, this week has been one of triumph. Everyday I get a little better in teaching. Everyday I get a little better of a handle on the pesky emotions that can be a tad solemn at random times. Everyday I grow a little closer to the guys in my district as we laugh, smile, and succeed together. And everyday I get a little more excited for Ecuador, where Ill be departing for in 3 short weeks! 

I miss all of you lots and I have been so incredibly thankful for the messages I have received through the emails and letters. Please everyone have an amazing rest of the week and remember to be thankful for the many things we tend to take for granted in our day to days.

Much affection, 
Elder Ericksen

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