Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 29 - Finding Joy in the Little Things

Dearest friends and family,

What a joy to have a few minutes to write to you this week. Truth be told, everything is a-ok. The days and weeks are sliding by smoothly and the work is becoming more enjoyable. Sure there are days when something comes my way that I’m not expecting but, for the most part, I’m acclimated. Ecuador is my little pais away from my pais.

This morning was special. Missionaries exercise every morning from 6:30 to 7:00am and we like to mix it up sometimes. And, as you already know, Elder Morales was the Guatemalan Boxing Champion about 3 years ago. Well, it just so happens that one of the church members here, Robinson Rosero, is a boxing fanatic and has boxed throughout his life with his father and who, in his youth, also enjoyed a lot of success with the sport. Putting all the pieces together, we called Hermano Robinson last night to see if we could jog down to his training gym this morning to get in a little boxing as our exercise before the gym opened for normal business. (As a rule, missionaries aren’t allowed to go in the gym because of the music, girls and tendency to spend all day there if we could. Going early gave us private access without all of those distractions.)

We woke up bright and early and, like Rocky, ventured out into the cold, dark morning arriving at 6am to start our work out. We had planned on putting on boxing gloves, hitting some boxing bags and maybe even hitting one another a bit for a few laughs. But what we did not have in mind, neither could we have been prepared for, was that Hermano Robinson had the entire morning planned out for us. Starting off with an active stretching we progressed through punching training and strength building, punching these little hand targets, punching bags and other stuff, finishing with an endurance punching drill that kicked my butt. Stay tuned to see if I wake desperately sore tomorrow morning. (Breaking news: I will be!) Overall it was really enjoyable and I learned a lot. I learned why boxeadores always wear tape under their gloves for example. It’s because if you don’t your hands get destroyed despite having a little padding in the gloves. I also learned a little about throwing punches while keeping your guard up. I’m still very much practicing that one and we made plans to come back next week. It was a great start to my morning today and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

It’s little things like this that help me get through the weeks. Something Elder Castagno and I have talked about is how much easier it is to slow down and enjoy the life we’ve been given on a moment type of scale when we stop and appreciate the little things around us. We’ve been reporting back to each other every couple of days about the things we’ve noticed and it’s helped me to be infinitely more grateful. This place I’m living in is full of greenery and plants, for example, thanks to all of the rain that we get nearly every day. This makes beautiful flowers a little more common than they are back in Rancho. This is going to come off incredibly clichéd and that’s ok but I never lent enough attention to those flowers that are potted directly in front of our house. They’re amazing and now I have a little reason to think a little more positively about the world every time I step outside my front door.

These little reminders come in many forms. I consider the great companions and friends I have here in Tulcan. Or the changes coming our way this week expanding the mission into Colombia. I went to Pasto (Colombia) on Saturday to get my visa declared) and then attended my first ever district conference where a new church unit, a district, was organized between these two great cities of Tulcan in Ecuador and Ipiales just across the border in Colombia. Or even the little quirks that I find around my city that I have come to love – like yesterday when Elder Miranda and I saw a kid jumping over a 10-foot wall to escape whatever his next class was in his school schedule. Or the suspicious looking guy in the truck trailing us before speeding up ahead, getting out and ripping down a presidential candidate’s campaign sign, before speeding off into the countryside. I truly, genuinely, love this place.

Basically it’s all good. I’ll keep you updated on my quest to find more appreciation and gratitude around me. Please remember I always love hearing from you so if you have something great, send it my way. Have a great week everyone. I love and appreciate you all.

- EE
  • Adam had “the busiest week of his mission so far” this week spending Tuesday and Wednesday down in Ibarra for his final zone conference there and then Friday and Sunday in Colombia collecting immigration paperwork and attending meetings related to the organization of the Colombia Ipiales district, of which the branch in Tulcan is a part. Adam loved the time spent with President Murphy during these conferences and meetings and apologized for the short and “lame” letter this week. (It’s all good, kid. I’ll take your happiness and satisfaction about a hard-worked week over a fancy letter any day of the week).
  • Six new missionaries are transferring into Ipiales, Colombia and Adam expects his district leader, Elder Morales (the boxer from Guatemala) will be moving over. He seemed very sad about this in his letter to Lisa and me. Elder Morales has become a very close friend for Adam. With the expected transfers, Tulcan will return to 4 missionaries. Adam expects he’ll be in the group that remains in Tulcan but won’t know for sure until early next week (3/19). Adam loves Tulcan and the people there hoping he can stay in the area for 2-3 more transfers (3-4+ months) more.
  • About 600 people attended the district organization conference on Sunday in a big, beautiful building that rivaled the chapels in the states. Adam loved the Colombian food while over there and promised to give us more details about the area and food in next week’s letter.
  • While in Ibarra for the zone conference the missionaries stumbled on to a Papa John’s $6.99 All-You-Can-Eat pizza buffet. I’m sure the franchisee was disappointed to see them stop in for that one – might have to tell his family their income will be a little light this month. The stack of slice papers must be 50+ slices high!
  • Adam's companion, Elder Miranda, celebrated a birthday this week. Happy birthday, Elder M!
  • I love the photos of the steep Colombian countryside. "Happy" to see the soldiers on the side of the road helping to keep the peace. One needs little imagination to think of who else may be in those hills. He's in the right place...he's in the right place...

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