Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 28 - Ambushed!

Dearest friends and family,

During the last couple of days of Carnaval we have been pretty closed up in the house. We have this rule that we cannot leave unless we have an appointment that’s set in stone which is kind of difficult when everybody is out in the streets throwing water and eggs on each other. Another rule that we have is that whenever we have to travel somewhere we have to do it by taxi. Why? Because we’ve been told that people also like to throw things that are a little harder to get out of white shirts like paint and motor oil. But hey, it’s all fun and games, right?

We’ve been obedient, studying, cleaning, taking taxis and doing all of the things that we’ve been assigned for the holiday. We rode in a taxi to Aki, or grocery store, this past Monday to buy a few food items. All was normal as we got back into a different taxi to return home. The driver pulled up in front of the house to let us out and we started pulling change out of our pockets to pay him. In this very moment another car rolled up in front of us and braked hard, stopping in front of us and blocking our pathway into the house. Piling out of the back seat were 4 teenagers plus a 5th from the passenger seat. They were armed! Armed with 3-liter bottles of grape soda, foam spray canisters and water balloons. We walked calmly toward them not fully understanding what was setting up to happen. At this point they were confused as well because I they thought we were going to run or something. Everything broke loose when one of the little guys uploaded his grape soda all over the back of my companion’s sweater. A frenzy ensued - we were defenseless. I escaped relatively unscathed by making a quick b-line for the gate and ducking under the patio. Elders Miranda and Castagno were not so lucky. In a moment of genius I remembered the eggs we had just purchased. I ripped into the bags, grabbed 3 eggs and emerged from my shelter, arm cocked and ready to defend my companions but, to my dismay, found our attackers had already left, speeding around the corner in search of their next victims.

The carnage I discovered was rather gruesome. Elder Castagno, completely covered with foam stuck to every hair on his head could only mutter “welp, they got us” before we all started laughing. My companion was a little quieter having taken the hardest and stickiest part of the beating but we cheered him up of course with high fives and jokes to go around. Lesson of the day? Carnaval is one intense holiday! And no one is safe. At any moment, in any situation, they’re hunting for the weak and unsuspecting.

Life is good here in Ecuador, if you can’t tell from the excitement of my words. I’ll keep you updated on the changes that are coming my way this coming week! I miss you all dearly and am always beyond overjoyed reading the emails you send me every single week. 
Thank you sincerely.

With love, 

Elder E.

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