Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 89 - Purple Dogs and Purple People

Dearest friends and family,
The city of Esmeraldas is a place full of purple dogs and the occasional purple person. I’ll explain what I mean in a moment.
There are so many exotic animals and plants here, how could I have not noticed this before? Last week I wrote that I feel like I’m living in a National Geographic TV show. This week I want to write about feeling silly for not noticing this sooner because it’s really quite obvious that it’s always been this way.
I wrote last week about seeing a chocolate tree in my sector and while that was monumental for me a few days ago, I’ve now noticed that there is an abundance of cocoa trees everywhere I look. We went to Quito on Monday for the monthly mission council meeting and during my favorite 6-hour bus ride through the jungle, I noticed that a lot of the trees that go whizzing by, especially in the flatter areas around Viche and Quininde, there are millions of these mystical cacao trees. I tried to take some photos but they came out blurry. But the lesson of the week is that Ecuador is an amazing country!
I don’t believe I’ve ever written about the geckos. In the coast, I haven’t seen too many “standard-issue” lizards like the ones we have back home. But I do see a lot of geckos! The most common species, that must be breeding season because they are everywhere, are these little white geckos with wide toes. Elder Chaves and I have been able to catch a few of them lately. Everywhere I look I see more bugs, animals, stray dogs, mosquitos, weird but cool flowers, plants with leaves the size of car doors, big ants, small ants, in-between ants, cock roaches, toads, frogs, everything! It leaves me wondering what doesn’t live here?
There are even purple dogs and the occasional purple person. They sell in the stores a purple “cure-all” anti-flea, anti-infection spray meant for dogs. But some people walk around spraying it everywhere, leaving a trail of “cured” purple-spotted dogs and objects in their wake. To me, the product seems like some sort of scam but I always chuckle when I notice someone has sprayed it on their own body. It’s very purple…it doesn’t look right.
Know that I’m happy. I’m living in the one of the most bio-diverse areas of the world and very content doing so.
With love - EE
PS – Can't wait to see you all on Mother’s day!

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