Saturday, March 31, 2018

Week 84 - I Came...I Saw...I Conquered

Dearest friends and family,
My last week in the office ended up being an incredible one! I feel like I was able to do Quito perfectly. What I mean is: I started my service in Ecuador far away from the offices of the mission here in Quito. After that, I was sent a smidge closer but more north and east to Tulcan and then Ipiales (Colombia). Later I went to Cayambe, considerably closer to Quito, and then boom, I was assigned to a sector as close as you can get to the mission office.
I arrived here on the 16th of October, a little less than 6 months ago. I came with high hopes and lots of smiles. I learned a good amount of the city and the bus system. We did amazing things every P-day (Volcán Pululahua, Lago Cuicocha, 3 trips to Otavalo, Teleferico and hiking, Mindo twice, basketball with President Murphy, bowling, Quicentro, Centro Historico, and with so many laughs with Elders Morton, Castagno, George, Welch, Millett, Aquino, and Ross.) I learned a new skill and the huge mission responsibility of mission financial secretary. I ate new and different foods. We found, taught, and baptized various people. I spent time in the homes of amazing families (Familias Muñoz, Campo, Enriquez, Ordoñez, Rivera-Millan.) I feel like we have made a difference here in this part of the world. We were able to help so many people. I had amazing companions and felt closer to some of my best mission friends. I received a lot of counsel and learned valuable life-lessons from the direct contact I have enjoyed with President and Sister Murphy. I learned to be and feel more confident and able in the ways I communicate. We have achieved many things here. And now the time has come that I will take on a new adventure in another part of the mission.
My new sector is a place called La Tolita in the zone San Esmeraldas and my companion will be Elder Chavez. And I am so excited! I’m going back to the coast (sorry Grandma Liz). I feel ready to go. I feel pleased that President Murphy had the impression and confidence to send me here, because I know it is exactly where I’ll need to be. I was feeling a little like I wanted to leave the office and be a regular missionary, but President has asked me to be zone leader of a 28 missionary zone and that has really rekindled my fire to continue helping other missionaries as much as possible. That’s what I love most! I’m also content knowing that this is probably the last time I pack my bags and travel to a new sector. The next time I do that, I’ll be headed for a very different destination. I love the feeling that I have yet again of an unknown, undefined opportunity. It’s like a warm, yellow and red sunset on the blue horizon of a new clear day. That is my favorite! There is no one deciding what I’ll make of the next 4 months of my mission but me. Its “take 2” at the coast and I know I'm going to do it much better this time. It’s time to go, to see, and to conquer.
I relate that feeling directly to the one that I have about my future after the mission. I have a lot of decisions to make. I’m stressed thinking about it, but I am not worried. Like this one, that is just another unknown, undefined opportunity, and I’m already content thinking about how I know that I’ll go and do exactly what I need to.
Everyone, let’s look up as we press forward because life is amazing and there is so much work to get done. If you do that, you’ll get to the right place. Or maybe you won’t. Who cares, destiny is really good at giving us lots of options that end up being the perfect ones.
With lots of my love,
Elder Ericksen

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