Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 60 - Heading to the Office

Hey everyone. I am writing super early because I have received changes and my Pday has been moved to Saturday! I have been moved from Cayambe to a place called Iñaquito in the zone of Quito. It's a wealthy area in the capital city and I feel weird but I'm happy! President Murphy has called me to be the new finance secretary so I will be in Quito with lots of things to do working in the office for the next 6 months. Today we woke up at 4 am to drop a missionary off at the airport and tonight I have to do it again at 1 am. It is so weird being in the airport! It's also weird that I drove past a McDonald's heading to the office, the first one I have seen in 14 months. I'm hearing the first week of changes - with old missionaries leaving and new ones coming in - is really busy and that I wont be sleeping much.

Anyway I have letters written for this week and I'll send them on my new p-day next Saturday. My new companion is named Elder Moon, he's from Idaho and he's really cool...I'm excited to have a gringo companion, finally! I'm in shock about all the new responsibilities and expectations but I know there will be lots of blessings and that I'll be learning lots of new things. I love and miss you all and hope you have an amazing week. 

Talk on Saturday,

Elder Ericksen

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