Monday, October 2, 2017

Week 58 - There is a Better Way Than Simply Fleeing

Dearest friends and family,

Part of the high school curriculum here in Ecuador involves all of the students basically pledging allegiance to the country in an expression of respect. We were pretty disturbed entering into a discussion between Marcia Chavez and her son as he explained that in his school the LDS kids along with kids from other churches were forced to stand off to the side during the allegiance ceremony and were prohibited from participating. His observation was quickly followed by a statement that: “from now on, I don’t want to take any more lessons from the hermanos.”

Sometimes people can ask a really tough question or catch us off-guard as missionaries, leaving us to stammer for a moment as we consider which one of us is better equipped to respond. After hearing the statement of Marcia’s son, Elder Cuevas and I looked at one another, and then he gave me a little nod basically saying “yep – you’re up.” And just as I was about to open my mouth, Hermana Marcia surveyed her children in the room and then shared her thoughts on the matter in a way that impacted me and my thought process. I apologize that her statement doesn’t have the same ring in English but she basically said to her sons: “No, that is not the answer. If I had been there at the ceremony, I would have marched myself down to the stage and told every single one of those children: ‘Be calm. Sometimes God allows opposition just because He wants to see what we are going to do about it.” She then explained that she would have then gone over and punched the director for segregating the kids like that…we all laughed (and hoped she was only kidding).

It was easy to build off Hermana Marcia’s comment and I added my own opinion that God permits us trials to help us see if we will permit ourselves to be taught by them. I then asked the son how he was going react which prompted a long and uplifting discussion about what God expects from him and us. Basically the thought that I’m trying to extract from my brain and get down on paper is that, in many circumstances of opposition, there is a better way than simply fleeing. When the trial comes, it is time to raise that head up with grace and calmly look for the thing God would have us learn for it. It was, for me, an edifying conversation.

We left Marcia’s house and headed back toward the chapel. Walking by, I noticed a little head duck down behind a wall on the basketball court. We investigated a little more closely and found several children running around and playing on the courts. I laughed a tiny bit and poked my head in further. When they saw us, they all booked it and jumped the fence, not looking back even once. It made me laugh. A little exodus. I’m well and happy. Talk soon,

-          EE

In another observation (as a parent), I'm trying hard to ignore the apparent 3 pizza per boy ratio in the photo below. I'm sure there must be more missionaries around not pictured. Right? 

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