Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 36 - Greatest Week of My Life

Dearest friends and family,

I’ve really become quite enamored with dry lightning. You know, when it’s not raining and out of nowhere the sky is ripped open by a streaking bolt of electricity? It’s even more dramatic when darkness has fallen and the calm, crisp Tulcan evening is split by a flash and clap. It’s really intriguing to me. I am sitting here gazing out the window, watching the bolts light up the clouds otherwise invisible in the darkness. And I am thinking. Lots. About how amazing it is that I’m living in Ecuador. High up in the Andes mountains. On the border with Colombia. Working and falling in love with the amazing people who live here.

It’s Saturday night and Elder Quispe and I are awaiting a call to inform us about cambios – changes in areas and companionships that will set the course of our missions for at least the next 6 weeks. Another thing I am thinking while watching the storm is that this week has been the hardest, longest, best, most-rewarding and the most learning-filled week of my entire life – not just in my mission – but my entire life! Tulcan is simply amazing. The people here are amazing and this area has stretched me so much. I don’t want to say the work on the coast (my first area) was easy, but it was easier than here. And I’m not complaining by any means, I know many have it much worse, but it has been good for me to have to work hard and fight for every lesson and every person I’ve been fortunate to teach. If I’m called to depart, I will be leaving a big piece of my heart here with these wonderful people.

One of the things that made this week most rewarding of my life was seeing and participating in the baptism of the rest of the Lopez family – specifically Mauricio and Veronica, the parents! They are such a wonderful family and I am insanely blessed to know them. Another woman we’ve been working with, Maria, was also baptized. The branch has been so supportive and wonderful in welcoming these new families. And, if these blessings weren’t enough, the boyfriend of the oldest Lopez daughter has decided he wants to change some things in his life and has started meeting with us. He’s absolutely amazing and miracles are happening right in front of me!

So the phone call came and I will moving across the border into Ipiales, Colombia. My emotions are mixed. Naturally I am excited for a new area and companion. I have worked really hard here in Tulcan and I am ready to start the process again somewhere new. But leaving is going to be super rough and I really don’t want to think about it. To make things worse, my good friend Elder Morales is leaving Ipiales and going to Otavalo for his last 2 transfers before heading home from his mission so I probably won’t see him again in the mission.

It’s now Monday morning and what else can I say? It has been a busy weekend and P-day. I barely wrote anyone this week and I feel bad about that. I am uploading about 300 photos – maybe my parents can share a bunch. I’m feeling very emotional this morning. I am absolutely drained from all of the goodbyes yesterday with the great members here and this morning I’m feeling out of it. I’m going to miss the people and this place so much. But I am optimistic and know the best days remain ahead!

I love you all lots and look forward to reading your letters. Have an amazing week!

Love - EE

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