Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 6 - I Arrived!

I am happy to tell you all that I am safe in Ecuador. I am extremely exhausted and have been awake for like 36 hours. Right now I am emailing you from the computer of President Murphy. The mission home is incredibly nice and I cannot wait to show you all these photos. Way nicer than I think you could imagine. I have learned so much today. I am already worrying about the emailing situation because I only get an hour of computer time here just like the ccm but now I also have an obligation to write a weekly letter to President Murphy. I have no idea how I am going fit in all my computer wants. That being said, things are good. I am finding that Ecuador has completely different kinds of stresses and challenges than I had in the CCM. Essentially I am back to day one. But it is good. I am happy and in a very good place. I love you all so much and I cant express how much I miss you. I find out my companion tomorrow along with my first area. Wish me luck!!!! Again I love you guys. Make this week a great week okay, for me! Its time for dinner and it smells absolutely amazing. I really like the murphys! I have to go.

Elder Ericksen
Missionaries arriving

Adam with President and Sister Murphy

Dinner at the Mission Home

Adam and his new companion
Ready to serve!

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