Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week 86 - So Far So Good

 April 13, 2018
Dearest Friends and family,
      Mom, I loved your questions! Esmeraldas is “so far so good!” No complaints and we’re working HARD!!. I’ve been received well by the members and almost all know me. We gave talks in church on Sunday... something I haven’t done for a while. I focused on how the gospel of Christ is perfect and how if we all understand that fact better we wouldn’t ever doubt the “why”.
I also made a big point of teaching how we are all one huge family in the church.
     My apartment is really basic, but usable and clean. When President Murphy arrived in Esmeraldas on Wednesday, he dropped by to deliver a shipment of mission supplies to our house. I’d say our street was probably one of the dirtiest places that the nice mission car has been so far. When President Murphy stopped by, he took advantage of being so close to come over and tour our house. I believed we received his approval of cleanliness because he wasn’t shocked or surprised in the “oh wow” kind of way when he walked in.
     You asked if we have a normal shower. Clarification: By US standards “normal showers” don’t exist in Ecuador if we are talking about warm water coming out of the wall. That being said, my shower now is pretty normal for Emeraldas. There is water most days that comes out of an elevated pipe. Its a huge advancement from Aire Libre (my first area). I have taken a shower every day and every night. Its been a huge physical comfort. The water is cold but it feels good and I sleep less sweaty. I do have “mamitas” that cook for me. I’ve had encocado of shrimp. I also have had calamari. It’s known throughout Ecuador that Esmeraldas has the best food in the country. I like that a lot.
     Washing laundry, we are on our own. We did find a laundromat near by and we are going to take our clothes! I am a very different missionary now. I understand and live better. My companion is great and I am loving being back in the mission field.
     This week we had a big zone conference and it was great seeing all the missionaries. In our zone theres a lot of missionaries with varied levels of experience. I like that because it means a big responsibility of unifying everyone, so that we can all pull ahead with success. As zone leacer, we do travel around quite a bit to all the sectors of the zone. We check their planning, their goals and their physical state. It is a lot to think about. So far so good. I love you family and can’t wait to read your letters this week.
Elder Ericksen

 Adam mentioned teaching at zone conference.  Looks like he was doing a great job.
 The basic, usable, clean apartment and Elder Chavez
 A laundromat where you add your own water?

Adam is very fortunate to return to his first area where he loved the people, the food and get to appreciate how much he has grown.

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