Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week 77 - A Mellow P-Day

Good afternoon family. How is everyone? How have we passed this week?
I’m doing super well. I’m staying super happy and more than anything making the most of every day.
Elder Aquino and I have been arising in the morning, telling each other that our days are going to be excellent, and doing lots and lots of exercises. Don’t be suprised or scared if I start to look really buff and attractive in the next few weeks J. If anyone has ideas of body weight workouts, send me an email.
Mom how are my finances? I have been spending a lot lately, ugh, which has me feeling bad because I try to live how the people live here. But Elder Castagno is leaving the office in a week and he has wanted to eat better than average lunches since he may no longer be in Quito. Let me know.
Today was a calm p-day. Elder Castagno wanted to go to Otavalo to buy some art things, so he took off early with Elder Millett. Elders George, Welch, Aquino and I went to the chapel to play basketball. We played for a while, and then I called President Murphy to invite him to come down the hill and play. He said "that’s perfect because I just put on my Saturday exercise clothes to work out...I’ll be right there." We played for a good 2 hours more with him, which was super fun. It’s good to have a calm-ish p-day every once in a while. After basketball President got us ice cream from Cyrano, the best ice cream store of Ecuador. Maybe it’ll come up on google.
So it’s Carnaval this coming week! People already have sprayed me with the foam from last year hahaha. It is going to be a boring couple of days since we aren’t leaving the house starting tomorrow until Tuesday. It’s a little sad because so much crazy and fun goes on all around the city. We’ll come back, I Know. Does anyone have ideas about what to do in the house?
Happy birthday, dad! I love you so much and am forever thankful for your letters and advice that have carried me through my mission. I am thankful for every sacrifice you make for our family. P.S. when I get back if the opportunity arises, I want to go to a seminary with you.
I love you all. And thanks for the photos of the Sombreros Mexican food.

Elder Ericksen
  • For those wondering (Hma Murphy), Adam reports that President Murphy "plays ball so well! He's taller than everyone."
  • Adam's camera has stopped working so no personal photos this week. We've shipped a new one through MissionontheFly which arrives next week. Fingers crossed for new photos soon. In the meantime, I boosted these from the mission facebook page. The top one is my favorite. - Scott

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